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Elegant ProgressBar and Profiler for Webpack

✔ Display elegant progress bar while building or watch ✔ Support of multiple concurrent builds (useful for SSR) ✔ Pretty print filename and loaders ✔ Windows compatible ✔ **Fully** customizable using reporters ✔ Advanced build profiler

Multi progress bars

Build Profiler

Getting Started

To begin, you'll need to install `webpackbar`: Using npm: ```bash npm install webpackbar -D ``` Using yarn: ```bash yarn add webpackbar -D ``` Then add the reporter as a plugin to your webpack config. **webpack.config.js** ```js const webpack = require('webpack'); const WebpackBar = require('webpackbar'); module.exports = { context: path.resolve(__dirname), devtool: 'source-map', entry: './entry.js', output: { filename: './output.js', path: path.resolve(__dirname) }, plugins: [ new WebpackBar() ] }; ```


### `name` - Default: `webpack` Name. ### `color` - Default: `green` Primary color (can be HEX like `#xxyyzz` or a web color like `green`). ### `profile` - Default: `false` Enable profiler. ### `fancy` - Default: `true` when not in CI or testing mode. Enable bars reporter. ### `basic` - Default: `true` when running in minimal environments. Enable a simple log reporter (only start and end). ### `reporter` Register a custom reporter. ### `reporters` - Default: `[]` Register an Array of your custom reporters. (Same as `reporter` but array)

Custom Reporters

Webpackbar comes with a fancy progress-bar out of the box. But you may want to show progress somewhere else or provide your own. For this purpose, you can provide one or more extra reporters using `reporter` and `reporters` options. **NOTE:** If you plan to provide your own reporter, don't forget to setting `fancy` and `basic` options to false to prevent conflicts. A reporter should be instance of a class or plain object and functions for special hooks. It is not necessary to implement all functions, webpackbar only calls those that exists. **Simple logger:** ```js { start(context) { // Called when (re)compile is started }, change(context) { // Called when a file changed on watch mode }, update(context) { // Called after each progress update }, done(context) { // Called when compile finished }, progress(context) { // Called when build progress updated }, allDone(context) { // Called when _all_ compiles finished }, beforeAllDone(context) { }, afterAllDone(context) { }, } ``` `context` is the reference to the plugin. You can use `context.state` to access status. **Schema of `context.state`:** ```js { start, progress, message, details, request, hasErrors } ```


MIT - Made with 💖 By Nuxt.js team! [standard-js-src]: https://flat.badgen.net/badge/code%20style/standard/green [standard-js-href]: https://standardjs.com [npm-version-src]: https://flat.badgen.net/npm/v/webpackbar/latest [npm-version-href]: https://npmjs.com/package/webpackbar [npm-downloads-src]: https://flat.badgen.net/npm/dt/webpackbar [npm-downloads-href]: https://npmjs.com/package/webpackbar [package-phobia-src]: https://flat.badgen.net/packagephobia/install/webpackbar [package-phobia-href]: https://packagephobia.now.sh/result?p=webpackbar