# node-object-hash Tiny and fast node.js object hash library with properties/arrays sorting to provide constant hashes. It also provides a method that returns sorted object strings that can be used for object comparison without hashes. One of the fastest among other analogues (see [benchmarks](#benchmarks)). Hashes are built on top of node's crypto module (so for using in browser use something like [browserify-crypto](https://github.com/crypto-browserify/crypto-browserify) or some kind of crypto functions polyfills). Or you can use only `objectSorter` ([source](https://github.com/SkeLLLa/node-object-hash/blob/master/objectSorter.js)) for getting your objects' string representation and compare or pass them to your own hash function. 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node-object-hash/objectSorter : objectToString

Object sorter module. It provides object sorter function constructor.

node-object-hash : apiConstructor

Node object hash module. It provides a methods that return object hash or sorted object string.

## node-object-hash/objectSorter : [objectToString](#module_node-object-hash/objectSorter..makeObjectSorter..objectToString) Object sorter module. It provides object sorter function constructor. * [node-object-hash/objectSorter](#module_node-object-hash/objectSorter) : [objectToString](#module_node-object-hash/objectSorter..makeObjectSorter..objectToString) * [~_guessObjectType(obj)](#module_node-object-hash/objectSorter.._guessObjectType) ⇒ string ℗ * [~_guessType(obj)](#module_node-object-hash/objectSorter.._guessType) ⇒ string ℗ * [~makeObjectSorter([options])](#module_node-object-hash/objectSorter..makeObjectSorter) ⇒ [objectToString](#module_node-object-hash/objectSorter..makeObjectSorter..objectToString) ℗ * [~objectToString(obj)](#module_node-object-hash/objectSorter..makeObjectSorter..objectToString) ⇒ string ### node-object-hash/objectSorter~_guessObjectType(obj) ⇒ string ℗ Guesses object's type **Kind**: inner method of [node-object-hash/objectSorter](#module_node-object-hash/objectSorter) **Returns**: string - Object type **Access**: private | Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | obj | Object | Object to guess type | **Example** ```js var a = []; _guessObjectType(a) === 'array'; // true ``` ### node-object-hash/objectSorter~_guessType(obj) ⇒ string ℗ Guesses variable type **Kind**: inner method of [node-object-hash/objectSorter](#module_node-object-hash/objectSorter) **Returns**: string - Variable type **Access**: private | Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | obj | \* | Variable to guess type | **Example** ```js var a = ''; _guessType(a) === 'string'; // true ``` ### node-object-hash/objectSorter~makeObjectSorter([options]) ⇒ [objectToString](#module_node-object-hash/objectSorter..makeObjectSorter..objectToString) ℗ Creates object sorter function **Kind**: inner method of [node-object-hash/objectSorter](#module_node-object-hash/objectSorter) **Returns**: [objectToString](#module_node-object-hash/objectSorter..makeObjectSorter..objectToString) - Object sorting function **Access**: private | Param | Type | Default | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | [options] | Object | | Sorter options | | [options.coerce] | boolean | true | Performs type coercion | | [options.sort] | boolean | true | Performs array, object, etc. sorting | **Example** ```js // with coercion var sorter = makeObjectSorter({coerce: true, sort: false}); sorter(1) === "1"; // true // with sort var sorter = makeObjectSorter({coerce: false, sort: true}); sorter([2, 3, 1]) === [1, 2, 3]; // true ``` #### makeObjectSorter~objectToString(obj) ⇒ string ℗ Object sorting function **Kind**: inner method of [makeObjectSorter](#module_node-object-hash/objectSorter..makeObjectSorter) **Returns**: string - Sorted string **Access**: private | Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | obj | Object | Object to sort | ## node-object-hash : [apiConstructor](#module_node-object-hash..apiConstructor) Node object hash module. It provides a methods that return object hash or sorted object string. * [node-object-hash](#module_node-object-hash) : [apiConstructor](#module_node-object-hash..apiConstructor) * _instance_ * [.sort(obj)](#module_node-object-hash+sort) ⇒ string * [.hash(obj, [opts])](#module_node-object-hash+hash) ⇒ string * _inner_ * [~apiConstructor([options])](#module_node-object-hash..apiConstructor) ⇒ [API](#module_node-object-hash..API) * [~API](#module_node-object-hash..API) : Object ### node-object-hash.sort(obj) ⇒ string Creates sorted string from given object **Kind**: instance method of [node-object-hash](#module_node-object-hash) **Returns**: string - Sorted object string **Access**: public **See**: [objectToString](#module_node-object-hash/objectSorter..makeObjectSorter..objectToString) | Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | obj | \* | JS object to be sorted | **Example** ```js var apiConstructor = require('node-object-hash'); var sorter = apiConstructor({sort:true, coerce:true}).sort; sort({b: {b: 1, d: 'x'}, c: 2, a: [3, 5, 1]}); // "{a:[1,3,5],b:{b:1,d:x},c:2}" ``` ### node-object-hash.hash(obj, [opts]) ⇒ string Creates hash from given object **Kind**: instance method of [node-object-hash](#module_node-object-hash) **Returns**: string - Object hash value **Access**: public | Param | Type | Default | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | obj | \* | | JS object to hash | | [opts] | Object | | Options | | [opts.alg] | string | "sha256" | Crypto algorithm to use | | [opts.enc] | string | "hex" | Hash string encoding | **Example** ```js var apiConstructor = require('node-object-hash'); var hasher = apiConstructor({sort:true, coerce:true}).hash; hash({b: {b: 1, d: 'x'}, c: 2, a: [3, 5, 1]}); // "4c18ce0dcb1696b329c8568d94a9830da810437d8c9e6cecf5d969780335a26b" ``` ### node-object-hash~apiConstructor([options]) ⇒ [API](#module_node-object-hash..API) Generates node-object-hash API object **Kind**: inner method of [node-object-hash](#module_node-object-hash) **Returns**: [API](#module_node-object-hash..API) - Node object hash API instance | Param | Type | Default | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | [options] | Object | | Library options | | [options.coerce] | boolean | true | Performs type coercion | | [options.sort] | boolean | true | Performs array, object, etc. sorting | | [options.alg] | string | "sha256" | Default crypto algorithm to use (can be overridden) | | [options.enc] | string | "hex" | Hash string encoding (can be overridden) | **Example** ```js var apiConstructor = require('node-object-hash'); var hashSortCoerce = apiConstructor({sort:true, coerce:true}); // or var hashSort = apiConstructor({sort:true, coerce:false}); // or var hashCoerce = apiConstructor({sort:false, coerce:true}); var objects = { a: { a: [{c: 2, a: 1, b: {a: 3, c: 2, b: 0}}], b: [1, 'a', {}, null], }, b: { b: ['a', 1, {}, undefined], a: [{c: '2', b: {b: false, c: 2, a: '3'}, a: true}] }, c: ['4', true, 0, 2, 3] }; hashSortCoerce.hash(objects.a) === hashSortCoerce.hash(objects.b); // returns true hashSortCoerce.sort(object.c); // returns '[0,1,2,3,4]' ``` ### node-object-hash~API : Object Node object hash API object **Kind**: inner typedef of [node-object-hash](#module_node-object-hash) **Properties** | Name | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | hash | function | Returns object hash string (see [hash](#module_node-object-hash+hash)) | | sort | function | Returns sorted object string (see [sort](#module_node-object-hash+sort)) | # Requirements ## version \>=1.0.0 - `>=nodejs-0.10.0` ## version \>=0.1.0 && <1.0.0 - `>=nodejs-6.0.0` - `>=nodejs-4.0.0` (requires to run node with `--harmony` flag) ## browsers - nodejs `crypto` module for browsers (e.g. [browserify-crypto](https://github.com/crypto-browserify/crypto-browserify)). # Example ```js var hasher = require('node-object-hash'); var hashSortCoerce = hasher({sort:true, coerce:true}); // or // var hashSortCoerce = hasher(); // or // var hashSort = hasher({sort:true, coerce:false}); // or // var hashCoerce = hasher({sort:false, coerce:true}); var objects = { a: { a: [{c: 2, a: 1, b: {a: 3, c: 2, b: 0}}], b: [1, 'a', {}, null], }, b: { b: ['a', 1, {}, undefined], a: [{c: '2', b: {b: false, c: 2, a: '3'}, a: true}] }, c: ['4', true, 0, 2, 3] }; hashSortCoerce.hash(objects.a) === hashSortCoerce.hash(objects.b); // returns true hashSortCoerce.sort(object.c); // returns '[0,1,2,3,4]' ``` For more examples you can see [tests file](https://github.com/SkeLLLa/node-object-hash/blob/master/test/hash2.js) or try it out online at [runkit](https://runkit.com/skellla/node-object-hash-example) # Benchmarks Bench data - array of 100000 complex objects ## Usage * `npm run bench` to run custom benchmark * `npm run bench2` to run benchmark suite ## Results ### Custom benchmark ([code](bench/index.js)) | Library | Time (ms) | Memory (Mb) | |---------------------------------------|------------|--------------------| | node-object-hash-0.2.1 | 5813.575 | 34 | | node-object-hash-1.0.X | 2805.581 | 27 | | node-object-hash-1.1.X (node v7) | 2555.583 | 27 | | node-object-hash-1.2.X (node v7) | 2390.752 | 28 | | object-hash-1.1.5 (node v7) | 28115.553 | 39 | | object-hash-1.1.4 | 534528.254 | 41 | | object-hash-1.1.3 | ERROR | Out of heap memory | | hash-object-0.1.7 | 9219.826 | 42 | ### Benchmark suite module ([code](bench/bench.js)) | Library (node v7) | Perf (ops/s) | |------------------------|--------------| | node-object-hash-0.2.1 | 540 ±1.34% | | node-object-hash-1.1.X | 844 ±2.51% | | node-object-hash-1.2.X | 1021 ±1.81% | | object-hash-1.1.5 | 106 ±0.88% | | hash-object-0.1.7 | 305 ±1.66% | | Library (node v10) | Perf (ops/s) | |------------------------|--------------| | node-object-hash-0.X.X | 758 ±1.40% | | node-object-hash-1.4.X | 1266 ±1.44% | | object-hash-1.3.0 | 132 ±4.08% | | hash-object-0.1.7 | 378 ±1.36% | ## Links * [object-hash](https://www.npmjs.com/package/object-hash) - Slow, useful for browsers because it not uses node's crypto library * [hash-object](https://www.npmjs.com/package/hash-object) - no ES6 types support # License ISC