# List group > List groups are a flexible and powerful component for displaying a series of content. List group > items can be modified to support just about any content within. They can also be used as > navigation via various props. ```html Cras justo odio Dapibus ac facilisis in Morbi leo risus Porta ac consectetur ac Vestibulum at eros ``` ## Active items Set the `active` prop on a `` to indicate the current active selection. ```html Cras justo odio Dapibus ac facilisis in Morbi leo risus Porta ac consectetur ac Vestibulum at eros ``` ## Disabled items Set the `disabled` prop on a `` to make it appear disabled (also works with actionable items. see below). ```html Cras justo odio Dapibus ac facilisis in Morbi leo risus Porta ac consectetur ac Vestibulum at eros ``` ## Actionable list group items Turn a `` into an actionable _link_ (``) by specifying either an `href` prop or [router-link](/docs/reference/router-links) `to` prop. ```html Awesome link Link with active state Action links are easy Disabled link ``` Or if you prefer `